
Best Halloween Pranks

Best of "Just for Laughs Gags"

O! I love it when I get the chance to have a hearty laughter because it's therapy in itself. I think we all need some sort of a break from a cranky day or boring routine. So, have fun watching these halloween Pranks. P.s. Halloween is at the corner, stay safe...he..he...he...he!Cool
Enjoy the video.

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Source is youtube.com


Ebola....the Epidemic of Centuries

Who will not be scarred off or run away by the idea of having an Ebola patient entering the same room she/ he is in?! Well, as sad as it is but Ebola presence is a living fact right now in West Africa. The scariest fact is that it has now reached to North America! If that guy who carried it have carelessly or unconsciously made some close contacts with others during his trip from Africa to here in North America (high possibility!), then we’re domed!! The governments of both USA & Canada should start to make extra precautions for some sort of unexpected outbreak. Yeah…it’s true! And you my friend, should be very mindful of your health, more important is be careful of unnecessarily toughing bodily fluids! Now the tricky thing is that instead of putting your head in the sand, dig in and try to find whatever information you can know about the Ebola Saga! You can’t just say “it’s my neighbor’s problem” and sit as if you’re in Mars! The world is so mobile nowadays. At least get to know who your common enemy is. So, if you’re like me who want to know, I thought you would not mind me sharing these few videos with you today. Better to know than staying ignorant!!! By the way you can also find this blog on FanBox at http://posts.fanbox.com/bq2p6

1.      What You Need to Know about Ebola
Hey! Did you ever know that Ebola is transmitted by Bats? I didn’t!!!! So I fished out the net and here is some good video to show you.
2.     Why do Bats Transmit so Many Diseases like Ebola 

3.      ok!  Now this is a simple way of knowing the Ebola Symptoms & Cycle:

Picture materials are taken from Wikipedia
*If you like the post please comment your thoughts, then share it for others to know this little bit too.


10 Foods to Eat So You Never Have to Diet

Who doesn't want to be fit? hehehe!,,,,...I know we all yearn to be slim, healthy, and looking gorgeous, isn't it? but how hard is that...uh! some of us may anxiously start a weight loss program only to feel sooo tired and frustrated midway from its tedious routines. Oooo and those yummy dishes at family dinners or get-togethers are so irresistible, snap! Well, I'm on the look for easy ways for slim-down plans. So, I am reposting this article here for my fans who may have missed it on Yahoo.

Article By Amy Capetta
Photo by Getty Images

These powerhouse foods help keep unwanted pounds at bay, and it has nothing to do with counting calories and fat grams.

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This herb does more than just give meals extra flavor and scent—it can also help keep your tummy flat through its naturally occurring chemical allicin, says registered dietitian and Nutritious Life founder Keri Glassman. “Allicin kills off harmful bacteria in your digestive tract to keep your gut healthy and functioning, which means less bloat.” Also, Korean researchers discovered that this member of the onion family may have an anti-obesity effect thanks to proteins being stimulated in the liver. Toss garlic in almost any poultry, pasta, or veggie dish, or add it to dressings and sauces.

When you’re craving carbs, look no further than the legume family, says registered dietitian and food and nutrition consultant Rachel Begun. “Beans are unique in that they offer significant amounts of both fiber and protein in one package—one cup of black beans has a whopping 17 grams of fiber and 14 grams of protein. We’re learning that fiber and protein are invaluable for weight management because both are highly satiating, meaning they leave us feeling full for longer and prevent overeating later in the day.” A recent study published in the journal Obesity found that extracts from white kidney beans can reduce the absorption of calories from carbohydrates and tame sweets cravings, thanks to certain enzymes that inhibit starch digestion.
“In-shell pistachios are one of my go-to snacks for weight management,” says Katherine Brooking, a registered dietitian and cofounder of Appetite for Health. A one-ounce serving has 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber, but their real power is felt more in your eyes than your stomach. “Needing to de-shell helps you munch more slowly, and the discarded shells may also provide a visual cue to remind you of how much you’ve eaten, which helps put the brakes on out-of-control snacking,” adds Brooking. In fact, in a study conducted at Eastern Illinois University, participants who snacked on in-shell pistachios consumed 41 percent fewer calories compared to those who ate the shelled version.


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Perhaps we should take tips from the Japanese, whose country has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world, says registered dietitian and Appetite for Health cofounder Julie Upton. One of their staples is wakame, a type of nutrient- and protein-rich seaweed. “Compounds isolated from wakame, [known as] fucoxanthin, have been shown to help increase fat burning in animal model studies,” says Upton. “More studies are currently looking at other compounds in seaweed, like alginates, that form gels in the stomach to enhance feelings of fullness.” Toss seaweed into soups and salads or use it instead of lettuce in wraps and sandwiches.

Good news for those who like it hot. “Jalapeño peppers contain an antioxidant called capsaicin, which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and metabolism booster,” says Glassman. “Some studies have found that people who eat pepper-packed meals feel less hungry and burn more calories later.” One such study conducted at Purdue University discovered that volunteers who infrequently consumed this spicy, nutrient-dense vegetable reaped more of its weight-loss benefits, a result of experiencing less hunger, especially for fatty, salty, and sweet foods. According to researchers, sprinkling red pepper on a meal “may be sustainable and beneficial in the long run, especially when paired with exercise and healthy eating.”
White potatoes
Who said all white foods are off-limits? “White potatoes are actually a slimming food,” says Glassman. The reason: They’re full of rich resistant starch, a compound that ferments in the gut and creates butyrate, a fatty acid that may spur your body to burn more fat. A study published in the journal Diabetes found that butyrate also improved insulin sensitivity and increased energy expenditure in mice.
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While these juicy stone fruits are naturally filling due to their fiber content—a medium one contains 3 grams—that’s not the only reason they help peel off the pounds. “New research from Oklahoma State University indicates that mangoes may lower blood sugar, which can help to control cravings, especially for carbs, thus keeping your willpower intact,” says Brooking. And good news: Since mangoes are grown in tropical climates all over the world, they’re available year-round.

It’s more than just a low-cal standby. “The calcium in yogurt may help lower calcitrol in the body, which helps turn on fat burning and turn down fat storage,” says Brooking. “Plus, the beneficial probiotics in yogurt feed your gut, and we now know that gut microbes in those who are a healthy weight are different than in those who are obese.” The way yogurt is made, which includes fermentation, also gives it higher concentrations of protein, B-vitamins, calcium, potassium, and magnesium compared to milk, making it the ultimate dairy food.

More than 80 percent of the calories in avocados are from fat—but they’re still incredibly good for you, says Upton. “Research shows that people who eat avocados have lower BMIs, and a recent study of overweight men and women found that adding avocados to lunch increased satisfaction by 22 percent. It also reduced desire to eat over the next three hours by 24 percent.” The study authors suggest that the fiber, unsaturated fat content, and a blood-sugar-lowering sugar called D-mannoheptulose may play a role in helping steady blood sugar levels and keeping appetite in check.
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These veggies are rich in fiber, with each medium-size one packing 6 grams. “Fiber is valuable if you’re trying to lose weight because it actually slows digestion so that you feel full longer,” says Glassman. “It also means more volume for fewer calories.” And artichokes promote good gut health. They contain indigestible nutrients, called prebiotics, that help support the good bacteria in your digestive system, which can deflate belly bloat and flatten your tummy.


Animals Can Be Real Jerks!

Hi again!

One of my hobbies I guess, is that I loooove to surf the Internet!! oh...yah!! 

I mean...Life can be really tasteless and boring without smart phones, PCs, laptops or any means of technology, I...can...not...live...without...technology!! especially my laptop!! I know...I know! someone somewhere may be reading this and say who is this nuts! yea...yea!! but at least my "technology" piece...my laptop and smartphone helps me to overcome a grumpy, unhappy, or a long boring day!! Now, don't ya agree?

Any way, let me tell you friends, there are such wealth of information and fun stuff all online. Today we are in the era of globalization. This "globalization" started as an idea long ago, isn't it but now a days globalization is in every thing!!! as such, you can sit in your room by your computer and you will know all that is happening around the globe. You can even come across very weird videos and documentations online, specially on youtube, search engines, and Facebook, watch out though, some stuff are 'genuine" fabrications!!! no doubt!

Coming back to online fun stuff, I fished-out this video, which I find very interesting I tell you! and believe me...I couldn't even stop laughing, these cute little pets and animals generally can be such smart and devious! Hey, watch out fellow! your cute pet may be acting up behind your back!

Find this blog also on FanBox @ http://posts.fanbox.com/lkgn6


Online Mall Shopping

Everything these days is "online". People are becoming more comfortable shopping for almost everything "online", even cars, equipment, parts, and services. I guess you can even buy a whole ELEPHANT "online" who knows! By the way, people are even using “online” to plan for criminal acts, can you believe that!! I had read in the news in Vancouver BC that someone communicated about a deal to exterminate somebody online OMG!!! Whether that happened or didn’t happen, I don’t know but I hope the police were geeks enough to bash down this hideous plan. Human beings can be such impossible!!! I guess I was right in what I blogged about in a previous post; Be Good or Be Bad!  (March 2012). Hey, let’s just get over with this sad news and sad stuff…What were we talking about?!!!....aha…online shopping!

Shopping online for fashion and trendy items such as apparel, beauty products, cosmetics, shoes, etc. are becoming so exciting. For one, you can reach merchants or stores online that you have never seen physically in your city, but they exist in the world!! The best thing is that you get your item right at your door, thanks to our efficient postal services & shipping agencies like “ups”. Now, what made me to write about this topic is this weird ideology that what if we can go online to a ONE mall where one can just browse from store to store till you find your desirable item. Then you enter the store to see more and buy or just exit the store and go back window shopping at the mall for more fun. And what if this mall has everything else that one may need, like traveling, flight fares, electronics, or services! The idea is that people….we are tired of having to read through a bunch of long junk or even valuable writings on websites that are supposedly offering services of a mall. Why? just to find a store we love or sort out something we want to buy! In the process you even lose interest!! People want to see and have it all plain! ....Images…images! for God's sake! an image spells it all. We are in the age of speed and fast rhythm. Seeing is believing, right! 

Now let me introduce this dream. Actually, there is something close to this desirable online mall idea. Check out Online Mall Shopping (http://www.onlinemallshopping.net/). I think this is such a tremendous opportunity for all your shopping needs. According to their site “Online Mall Shopping is a fabulous & unique one-stop-shopping mall for shoppers who’re looking for best prices, top products, designer brands, and prominent service providers.  Online Mall Shopping “features pages on Apparel, Automobiles, Electronics, Travel, and Finance & Investment.” As a lover of fashion, I would say that what I love most is this mall’s apparel page or “Fashion & Lifestyle”. My second best page is the mall’s “Travel” page. If you’re looking for economy or luxurious flights, cheapest airfare bookings, vacation packages or cruise lines almost everything travel you can find on this unique online mall. I am fascinated by their variety of shops to choose from and the ease of just looking without having to scan or read through!! …What!!! Who doesn't like to enjoy seeing! Better than stretching your brain…I mean better than having to read through heaps of materials!  Shopping should be fun not stressful right? 

Anyway, I just love this mall and I go back every time for almost anything I want to buy. Just like a mall. Online Mall Shopping is definitely my dream come true! you should definitely check it out.