You Ever Get Such Close to a Lion, a Jungle Predator?
Kevin Richardson is a Real Lion Whisperer
Fascinating! This
man is hilarious! I could not believe that there’s anyone who could come this
close and in such intimate way with wild animals. It’s just like a love story,
only this one is between a man and wild animals who captured his heart. I have
always been fascinated by the jungle animals, especially the lions and their
cubs. It has been my dream when growing that I wish I had a lion or lioness cub
to raise. But Of course I have grown out of that, but just retained my love for
them. I’m glad I came across this man’s documentary. Meet;
Richardson – in- Dangerous Companions
“Lions are some of the most
dangerous animals known to man. BUT there is one man who is part of their
pride. Kevin Richardson, an outdoorsman who lives just 30 miles north of
Johannesburg, has an amazing ability to communicate with some of Africa’s most
feared predators. His conservation area is home to lions, hyenas, cheetahs,
leopards and panthers. He is able to live with them, sleep curled up with them,
swim with lionesses, caress cubs and tussle with males. This exciting and
touching series will take viewers on a journey to the stunning African
wilderness, giving them an exclusive insight into the life of the real Lion
watching this video, I felt intense excitement seeing the cherished moments
that this man experiences with these animals. I think it’s a daily choice to
follow your instincts and test the uncertainty. And Kevin surely knows what he
wants, to be with these unpredictable friends! Although
I have come to find out that he gets paid to do this job. But it does not look
like a mere job. You can see clearly that he's not treating his job as work,
rather as part of his life, it's what he loves doing. I mean, the guy really looks like very comfy with these predators! Well, I can only salute him for the difference he is making in the lives of these animals!
One Other thing that caught my attention is about the
females. Lionesses are not the kind of animals you want to mess with,
especially when it comes to their babies. However Kevin has defied the
impossible. ,In the video I loved especially the moment that Kevin had
with “Pelokghale”, the new lioness mother who just gave birth to her cubs. Any
man needs to be extra cautious of such a lioness who won’t allow even their own
pride members near her baby bubs. But “Pelokghale” somehow allowed him to enter
their world, may be because it’s a payoff for the close relationship he
nurtured with her since she was a baby too.
In the video, Kevin could have been torn apart
when he entered the “Pelokghale” den by this mother lioness, "Pelokghale". On the contrary, she seems to enjoy Kevin's visit. Oooo! I cherish this part “and then she (Pelokghale), astonishes him with the greatest
honor a lioness can ever bestow on a man…she offers her new born to him (Kevin)”. This is so humbling to me!
I realize how less understanding we are, humans, I wished we could have more of
Kevin to help us learn about the world of these wild animals.

I enjoyed watching this documentary so much that I didn’t notice that time has
passed, I was filled with such sense of love and little wisdom of how great is
out there for us to learn. I guess one will never know how it is to be among
jungle animals unless you take the chance of testing for yourself. I have
always believed that “If you’re born for something and if you’re destined to be
something, then you will find your call on your own. Believe me, you will feel
some ties, and some force leading you to your destination”.

This is such
a wonderful documentary that captures extends of Kevin Richardson's unique skills.
I actually stumbled on this documentary and find it to be extremely educational. I think watching this video can help you to gain
valuable insights into the complex behaviors, impulses, and unique personality
of animals. Kevin has sure become able to read signs that helps him to determine
the animals’ inner state and act accordingly.
One can say that people who live
a life of greatness are usually willing to go out of their comfort zones, face
the uncertainty and the uncommon. This they do for the purpose of reaching
their inner yearning desires to connect with the universe. By doing what he
loves and enjoys, Kevin Richardson seem to have found his call. This man is
making a difference in the lives of these lions, and the other animals he is raising. People like Kevin Richardson remind us that
life is all about taking risks. If you do not take a risk then you will never
know how it would feel to achieve your ultimate desires and accomplish your
*If you love the
jungle like me and are fascinated with exceptional encounters like this tune up
for more updates I will have on this blog.
Thanks for reading
and watching the video, let me see you again :D
Azande Girl
*Video source: