I have written about this subject before in my blog topic, Life. However, over the past few years I have experienced many ups and downs and I went in a circle then I found myself coming back to write about what really is life! I’m sure like me, you sometimes come to have a moment with yourself and actually start thinking about life...So, what makes life matter? and let me I ask you personally, what is life for you?
Everybody loves life. Seriously! Who does not? However, the question is, what exactly is that thing that we are all chasing after in life? I mean, we all have different aspirations and dreams. Some come true and some never even materialize!! BUT in you and me, there must be something greater than just these physical or worldly things that we all experience and die for!! Maybe it is relationships, or for those who are workaholics, maybe it is work. May be life is about making money...having lots of money! or the joy of seeing the outcomes of a hard work. It may also be that life is the satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the life of someone else or doing acts of charity and helping people. Who knows! For many people, it may be simply, being health with all your body parts intact and functioning not being disabled or God forbid, laying paralyzed on a bed and needing continuous assistance to even breath...So here, health is life! Wait on! May be just having a happy family is life for you, right! Or how about just being able to feed your pet and take it out for a walk means the world for you!!!
Well, there's got to be something specific that everybody looks for to define the meaning of their lives. So, what is it that makes life worth living for you! Personally, I'm not so sure what is it that makes up the meaning of Life for me! Nonetheless, I have come to notice that sometimes, what matters to me may be changing according to my age or the state of mind that I am living in! In general, I love challenges. So, anything that challenges me and makes me feel I'm doing something meaningful gives me the satisfaction especially when I accomplish things. Okay, in general, having a satisfying marriage that is based on love and respect, being secure in my family life, having enough financially to sustain our needs with a surplus and so I don't have to worry about my family’s future, and experiencing the love of my close relatives...brothers and sisters, etc., and friends, means a great deal for me. I think these should count as close as giving a meaningful life to me!
Interestingly, there are many people around us who kind of do not have a direction or do not experience the true meaning of life. “They are living just for the sake of living!” I mean… as astonishing as it may sound, yes, there are! They are all out here ... and their lives goes on!! I like to think that the sooner someone works on finding out what is life for him or her the more focused one will be and can then enjoy having a purpose. In my opinion, I believe it is worth taking the time to think of what makes life matter to you? what gives you satisfaction? how do you motivate yourself to keep working hard or keep moving forward? what makes you willing to give up on your bed in the morning, get up, get ready, and go out? What makes you able to bypass the challenges that get thrown in your way? Because that is what helps reset your mind when you’re experiencing a down time or low moral moments.
Having a clear understanding of what is life for you is important. At least you ought to be able to identify things that give you motivation to keep pushing on because that can save you from going down into undesirable paths and psychological disorders such as depression.
Let me share this, many of the stories we come across of those who were going to commit suicide but ended up being saved from acting on their suicidal plans come to rest on the fact that these people always disclosed that they did not feel there is purpose for their lives. A lot of people say that they have come to a point in their lives where nothing matters, and some say that life is just so hard and is not worth living. I don’t suggest going there in your thinking! That’s just like beginning the road to nowhere and it doesn’t usually end well if you know what I mean! In any case while I was searching online, one comment stood out for me. Someone commented in a video that I shared here, stating that "Life is not worth living in my opinion because the way my life is for me cause I'm not happy I'm failing in school a disappointment to my family and everyone hates me in school I have some friends but only cause I'm trying to change me to be "cool" so they like me which I have stopped doing and now have no friends so yeah life sure is great!"
If you're out there like this individual but you’re still thinking that being "cool" and doing what others do will make your life great, let me tell you...STOP! You will just lose direction and you will develop a nomadic outlook for life...I mean literally, you are destining yourself to becoming a person of a nomadic personality. You will be jumping from a purpose to another...you will always be searching...and nothing will be fulfilling to you at the end of your days! By the way, do not think that you get what life is by trying to earn people’s acceptance or approval. You cannot make everybody happy, period! Find the purpose of life in yourself.
Coming to a conclusion, when I was writing this topic, I did not think there are other's out there who are also wondering about "what life is for them!" like me. I guess there are many!! So, while searching to find some answers, I came across a short video online, which I really think sums up many of the thoughts and struggles that many of us, me and you are facing in defining what is life. Well, I decided why not share one of these thoughts that someone decide to illustrate in a form of a video:
Please leave your comments about the topic if you have enjoyed reading it, may be it will help others who happened to feel just like you. Thank you for reading.
Ann, Azande Girl